Thursday, June 29, 2006

JDRacing Background

JDRacing opened it's doors in January 2006, following many years of doing "homers" from the garage after my regular engineering day job. I've been a indentured Engineer for over 10 years but took an interest in cars, horsepower and being sideways at speed from a young age.

I'd always wanted to open my own workshop, and after alot of hard work and decision making, JDRacing was born.

Working as an Engineer and manipulating metal for over 10 years has given me a sound foundation for creating any custom performance modification you may need.

I specialise in performance modification from simple "bolt-on" upgrades to full-blown, all out custom fabrication eg:
* Turbo Manifolds
* Extractors
* Turbo Charging N/A Vehicles
* Super-Charging N/A Vehicles
* Custom Mandrel Exhausts
* Rollcage Design and Install
* Plenum Chambers
* Screamer Pipes
* Intercoolers & Piping
* Drive Shaft Modifications
* Engine Conversions
* Engine to Different Gearbox Adaptors
* Custom Trailers (Motorbike / Track Car / Jet-Ski)

Basically if you want it - I can do it!!

I have a great network of suppliers that I know and trust who provide top quality, high end products at very competitive prices.

If you have any queries or are interested in discussing your project - give me a call or drop me an email.


Jason Lye
101 Port Road
New Zealand

021 321 154


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